Thursday, March 19, 2015

Will Pathetic/Lying German Television Show Apologize To Yanis Varoufakis???

Well. usually television hosts with low class who tell LIES on television to "score points" with the natives wouldn't be expected to apologize.  So, I doubt they will apologize. But you can view this and decide for yourself. The first link will start it at the 2 minute mark so you can view the REAL video quickly. The part you want to see in the embedded video is just past the 2 minute mark:

Here is a link to a German paper, which explains the situation.
Now I don't expect my readers to know German, so you can get a rough, semi-bad translation into English of this at Google Translate ( ): Just input the above "sueddeutsche" address in the box on the left, set the left box to German and the right box to English and hit the blue button that says "Translate" with your mouse

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